Thursday, January 8, 2009

Authors that Made a Difference

Writers are first and foremost readers. We read, read, and read again. We spend our time divided between living in other worlds other writers have created and in own created worlds. I love books and have ever since I learned to read. While I am not into most non-fiction books, I will read them. My passion is fiction, more specifically, romance and mystery.

So which author has made the biggest impression on my life and writing career? HA! I only wish I could narrow it down to one or even three. Fortunately, there are many.

I will start with a very renowned author who I began reading at an early age. Danielle Steele. Whether you have read her books or watched them as they came up on TV movies, I don’t think anyone can say her work has not affected or touched them in some way. Her books have made me laugh, cry, and every emotion in between. She has a gift of bringing about a story that pulls the reader in. The woman has talent and her books take me places from other countries to the journey within and explore such depths that pushes her characters to test their limits in a way I find fascinating and enthralling.

Nora Roberts AKA JD. Robb is a splendid author whose trilogies I have read a multitude of times and her JD Robb series is fantastic! I think I have read every single one of her books and constantly look for her new stuff when it comes available. Her romances sizzle for sure.

Christine Feehan introduced me to paranormal romance. I met her at a writer’s conference a while back and found her to be an absolute delight. Her Carpathian series makes me drool. Sigh If only I could write like her.

Laura K. Hamilton’s books border on the erotic side of romance using vampires and were’s to lure you right in. Brilliant and dazzling.

For mystery and suspense I look to James Patterson, nother author I have read all his works, and to Tess Geritsen. I also love Tony Hillerman because I am fascinated with Native American culture and Tami Hoag because she tells a great story.

Classic…Stephen King..because..well…he’s Stephen King. Need I really say more? The man is brilliant and scary…Anyone who can scare the daylight out of me through a book is worthy of praise.

Kim Harrison has given me a new profound way of looking at the witch and demon world with her witch series. I sit on pins and needles waiting, begging, needing, wanting a new book to come out. She makes me believe anything is possible to make believable


The woman that has captivated me within this last year is Janet Evanovitch. Her Stephanie Plum series is hilarious! Add in the mystery and blunders and you have a wonderful writing recipe!

My shelves are full of many more but I wanted to give a special shout out to these wonderful folks for inspiring me!

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