Monday, January 5, 2009

Joys of Editing

I spent today trying to edit and get some rewrites done on my novel I wrote for NaNo WriMo. It was interesting, here is this novel I worked on solid for thirty days and have not looked at since and all the sudden I was thrown immediately back into the world, as though I had never left. My characters missed me and as a reward I decided to perk up their lives a little bit more and throw in another challenge. The story is finished, yet unfinished. It lacks a bit more substance but it has all the elements. It has a catchy first chapter to pull you in, followed by a brief but not too telling of my heroines background. In rereading my story, I still feel it’s a bit flat. It has drama, suspense, a tad bit of romance, which by the way, for me, is way out of character.

I consider myself a romance genre writer, yet the novel I wrote barely has any in it. I wonder why. Perhaps, romance is not at all my strongest suit. But that’s why I enjoy writing. I get to explore all my hidden talents and discover new ones. So, I wasn’t bent out of shape I didn’t write a very steamy romance, like most of my other works. Instead, I embraced the direction that my heroine, Cassidy took me on as she explored her journey options.

I think that writing is a bit like having children. You teach them your values and hope that when it comes time for them to make decisions that they make the best one. Oh, how it does hurt when they make the wrong one, but alas, we must let go and let them grow up. So, as I am screaming at Cassidy, or another character to stop, take heed, or watch out, I know that I must ultimately step back, while biting my nails and let her proceed as I trust she will make out ok.

A big thank you goes out to my own parents, as I am sure I caused them many moments of such thoughts and hair raising experiences. One day, if I should write a book about myself I will surely add most of those moments I can remember.

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