Thursday, January 1, 2009

Procrastination Foe!

After a brilliant New Year’s day spent by playing World of Warcraft for 13 hours, cooking black eyed peas, and mulling over my thoughts, I thought it would be prudent to discuss my constant foe, Procrastination.

You could call him your personal demon, specifically designed to keep you from doing anything you should be doing! He’s great at giving you all the options that you want to do instead of sitting down and truly hunkering down and getting any, let’s say…writing done? I only have myself to blame I’m sure, but really I’d like to pass along some of that blame. Why should I shoulder it all?

It’s really not my fault they have designed a video game that is so enthralling and captivating that I want to sit all day and play. I don’t consider it wasting time, aren’t they supposed to build that eye-hand coordination? Besides who better than myself, or you, to play the game and pay a silent homage to the artists and creators who have not procrastinated and spent all that time producing such an intriguing world. Alas, as much as I love this game, it’s not my life and I do get tired of playing. On another positive for me…I spend quality time with my husband, so it’s not all bad. Laundry and dishes can wait, I think.

My other little personal procrastinator is reading. Don’t worry, none of them are books on writing. Just your usual run of the mill paranormal and genre romances with a little intrigue and mystery thrown in. I have a bad habit of buying and reading until done a good book. However, in my defense, I am supposed to read, read, and read books that are in the genre I am trying to be published in. So that can go both ways.

I do watch a lot of TV as well, although, in my defense, usually it’s ON and I am not engrossed, except for today when they had a load of back to back episodes of Iron Chef. I actually was engrossed, but I am human and do have flaws.

I love to put things off and I believe I tend to do my best work under pressure. Maybe that is why I succeeded in the NaNo WriMo this year. When it comes to a deadline, I will usually meet it after a lot of stress and a few tears, plenty of time in the video games or a book. Again, I think there is some perfect balance I haven’t found quote yet, but know that I am working on it. I did have time to put together a daily list of things I wanted to blog about! I only hope that my musings, rantings, and ravings can be of some use to even one of you.

So until next time….find your procrastination foe and sternly let him know he cannot dominate all of your time.

1 comment:

  1. Procrastination is my worst enemy! There is always something I "need" to do before I do the thing I really need to do. And then the "want to dos" are always more appealing ways to spend my time than the "have tos." I hate going grocery shopping, doing laundry, grading papers, making lesson plans. Those are always the last things I do, and usually do well with them as when I finally get to them, I'm in a time crunch. Not one pink sock yet in my history of laundry doing! Like you, reading a book cover to cover is a habit. I like to know the whole story and it drives me nuts to know there's more out there waiting to be read. So... I curl up and savor the images dancing through my head while I finish the story. Then... my ultimate time waster, procrastination tool, and guilty pleasure..... WoW. I can spend hours and always find something new to do. The rest of the day passes in a fuzzy blur while I'm engrossed in the magical world of Azeroth. All things in moderation. Yes, that's a concept I strive to achieve. It's just so much easier doing the things you want instead of the things you need.
